Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Protest at Whitehaven AGM

For the polite protest outside Whitehaven AGM against Whitehaven's rude destruction of the Leard State Forest, protesters are asked to wear red and purple, the colours that weather charts are starting to use to forecast the 40+ degree temperatures that are becoming the norm each summer now. 
David and Margaret colour coordinated against Whitehaven's promise of No Future

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pacific Climate Warriors Flotilla, Newcastle Harbour

Yesterday WRVAP artist David Watson witnessed and participated in We are not drowning – we are fighting!, the Pacific Climate Warriors Flotilla on Newcastle Harbour.  see more

Mikaele Maiava from Tokelau

paddling partners - Caitlin Rawding (Australian Youth Climate Coalition) and David
Climate Warrior George Nacewa from Fiji with a message for the current Australian government