Monday, April 13, 2015

In the Kandos Scout Hall for Cementa15

The Kandos Scout Hall
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The WRVAP Instruments of Democracy performance focuses on the metal lock-on equipment used as 'instruments of democracy' by many insightful and courageous people from all walks of life across NSW. Performed twice-daily during Cementa15, it is a 5 minute performance that bears witness to the non-violent direct action against open cut and coal seam gas mining that is spreading across NSW

Instruments of Democracy also included individual works by members of the WRVAP:

L-R: Suzanne Bartos; David Watson; Noelene Lucas & Juliet Fowler Smith
with cardboard lock-ons in the centre
L: Suzanne Bartos, centre + top: David Watson; R: Noelene Lucas
David Watson Checkout + Ransom Note (with Denise Corrigan) 
(powerpoint on screen), Australian Navigators 
(photographs) with performance images in front
Noelene Lucas Death by Coal video, with blackboard drawing behind
 performance objects in front
Juliet Fowler Smith Barking Owls and Weeping Woodlands
 with performance object in front
performance metal lock-ons  
top: David Watson Koala Diplomacy (2015) prayer flags;
 L: Juliet Fowler Smith; R: Toni Warburton
front: cardboard performance objects; centre floor: Margaret Roberts;
 top R:
Toni Warburton AgitPots H2O (2015) clay and ceramic 
Margaret Roberts Life4Coal piled tuille cut-outs of
threatened species.  photo Jessica Maurer
Sue Callanan Breath by Degrees (2015) coal, felt
photo Jessica Maure

Suzanne Bartos Another Meeting Pool (after Merlyn Skipper) puppets
photos by David Watson except where otherwise stated