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The WRVAP Instruments of Democracy performance focuses on the metal lock-on equipment used as 'instruments of democracy' by many insightful and courageous people from all walks of life across NSW. Performed twice-daily during Cementa15, it is a 5 minute performance that bears witness to the non-violent direct action against open cut and coal seam gas mining that is spreading across NSW.
Instruments of Democracy also included individual works by members of the WRVAP:
L-R: Suzanne Bartos; David Watson; Noelene Lucas & Juliet Fowler Smith with cardboard lock-ons in the centre |
L: Suzanne Bartos, centre + top: David Watson; R: Noelene Lucas |
David Watson Checkout + Ransom Note (with Denise Corrigan)
(powerpoint on screen), Australian Navigators
(photographs) with performance images in front |
Noelene Lucas Death by Coal video, with blackboard drawing behind and performance objects in front |
Juliet Fowler Smith Barking Owls and Weeping Woodlands
with performance object in front |
performance metal lock-ons |
top: David Watson Koala Diplomacy (2015) prayer flags; L: Juliet Fowler Smith; R: Toni Warburton |
front: cardboard performance objects; centre floor: Margaret Roberts; top R:Toni Warburton AgitPots H2O (2015) clay and ceramic |
Margaret Roberts Life4Coal piled tuille cut-outs of threatened species. photo Jessica Maurer |
Sue Callanan Breath by Degrees (2015) coal, felt photo Jessica Maurer |
Suzanne Bartos Another Meeting Pool (after Merlyn Skipper) puppets |
photos by David Watson except where otherwise stated