Friday, October 1, 2010

Cry me a River

Cry Me a River was opened last night by John Kaye, NSW MLC Greens,

who was presented with a chocolate frog on a silver tray by David & Juliet as a gesture of thanks.

(Above photos by Toni Warburton.)

click for Six to Eight's video of opening

John Clutterbuck's photos of the opening:

and some of the artworks:

Juliet Fowler Smith Williams River runaround

David Watson

Toni Warburton

Suzanne Bartos

Noelene Lucas The Last Healthy River in the Hunter

Bridget Nicholson Touch this earth lightly

David Watson Waste (wall image)
Bonita Ely DelugeDrown (scroll)
Neil Berecry-Brown Things fall apart (warning tape)

Margaret Roberts (& Horst Kiechle) Straight-Line Residency Proposal for Manns Hill Hut